Endometrium, what is an endometrium and how important is endometrial receptivity (Endometrium readiness)
Endometrium is tissue lining inside of the uterus where the embryo implants and lives during pregnancy .The endometrium changes at different stages of the menstrual cycle to be ready for embryo implantation. In order to successfully conceive, the embryo must be implanted in the endometrium at specific times of the ovulation cycle. This particular time is called Window of implantation (WOI ) for women undergoing IVF, knowing the implantation window is very important. Research has shown that almost 40% of women have an implantation window at different times compared to the average woman.
In many cases, a healthy uterine, embryo implantation may fail due to the transfer of the embryo out from the implantation window, although the embryo quality is good. This may be one of the causes of biochemical pregnancy. Each woman has its own unique implantation window, some have early receptive or late receptive, some have a long opening windows period, or some short. The doctor will not know that the implantation window might be the wrong time until it finds that the transfer has failed. ERA testing is the best tool to determine the best time to transfer an individual embryo.
What is ERA?
Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA) is an analysis of the readiness of the endometrium to determine the optimal timing for each woman’s embryo implantation. This making it possible to transfer the embryo at the most suitable time to increase the chance of conceiving.
How does an ERA work?
The doctor will collect a small sample of endometrial tissue. To analyze the expression of 248 genes associated with endometrial readiness for embryo implantation using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology and to use a smart program to identify implantation window intervals. The best WOI after analysis is advised by the ERA report allowing the embryo to be transferred at the most optimal and accurate time. With this personalized treatment, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant by 25%. Although your implantation window may be like a normal woman, ERA can determine the best time to transfer the embryo for you.
Why should I have an ERA exam?
1. When transferring an embryo by an individual (Personalized embryo transfer) The chance of conceiving increases after assisted reproductive technology. It was found that women undergoing ERA tests were more likely to conceive than those who did not.
2. Women who had an ERA in their first cycle of IVF had a pregnancy rate of 72.5% *.
3. Maximize your chances of conceiving and do not lose a healthy embryo due to its non-implantation.
4. out of 10 women give birth after 1 year of ERA testing.
5. A recent randomized study proved that individual embryo transfer (ERA test) was superior to classical frozen embryo transfer (no ERA test)by having more implantation rate, pregnancy rate and live birth rate.
* Simón et al., In vitro fertilization with personalized blastocyst transfer versus frozen or fresh blastocyst transfer: a multicenter, randomized clinical trial. Fertility and Sterility, 2019; 112. e56-e57. 10.1016 / j.fertnstert.2019.07.273.
Who should have an ERA exam?
1. All persons starting treatment for infertility (IVF) who do not wish to lose a healthy embryo because the embryo was not implanted from the cause of the uterus is not ready. Especially for the elderly couple with limited number of embryos.
2. People who are unsuccessful in treating infertility having transferred a good quality embryo several times but did not get pregnant.