Natural childbirth may cause the vagina to expand and stretch temporarily during labor, as the pelvic muscles and tissues need to stretch to allow the baby to pass through. Generally, the body has the ability to recover naturally, and the vagina will return to a firmer state after childbirth. However, in some cases, if a woman has had multiple births or if the pelvic muscles are not strong enough, it may cause the vagina to remain more stretched than normal. Proper exercise can help strengthen the muscles in that area and prevent vaginal sagging.
How to restore and tighten the vagina:
- Kegel exercises: This is an effective way to strengthen the pelvic muscles by contracting and relaxing the muscles around the vagina, similar to the sensation of trying to stop urination. Perform about 10-15 repetitions per set, three sets per day. This helps the muscles become firmer and stronger.
- Yoga and Pilates exercises: Focused on the pelvic muscles and abdominal muscles, these exercises can help strengthen the muscles around the vagina.
- Pelvic muscle training devices: Devices like Kegel weights or vaginal weights can help add resistance to the muscles. They should be used under the guidance of a doctor or a specialist.
- Laser vaginal tightening: There are modern laser technologies that can help tighten the vagina by using low-energy lasers to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate vaginal tissue. It’s important to consult with a specialist before considering this option for safety.
- Rest and post-delivery care: Ensuring adequate rest, drinking plenty of water, and consuming protein and vitamins can help the muscles and tissues recover and return to a healthy state.
iBaby Fertility & Genetic Center
11 Floor, Athenee Tower, Wittayu Road
Mon – Sat 9 am – 4 pm
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