Why does mumps affect sperm?

         Mumps is a viral infection that causes inflammation of various glands, particularly the salivary glands, resulting in swollen cheeks. However, if males of reproductive age contract this virus, it can spread to the testicles and cause orchitis (testicular inflammation). This inflammation affects sperm production, which can potentially lead to fertility issues.

Reasons why mumps affects sperm

  • Inflammation of the testicles: If the mumps virus spreads to the testicles, it causes severe inflammation. The virus can damage the tissues that produce sperm, which reduces sperm production and quality. This is most commonly seen in males aged 15 and older, with about 30-40% of cases.
  • Increased heat in the testicles: The inflammation in the testicles causes a rise in temperature, which negatively impacts the development and motility of sperm, especially during periods of intense inflammation.
  • Loss of testicular function: Mumps-induced inflammation can permanently damage some tissue in the testicles, reducing sperm production capacity. If both testicles lose their function, this may lead to permanent infertility.
  • Autoimmune damage: Inflammation from mumps can lead the body to mistakenly attack its own sperm-producing cells, causing further damage.

         In females, mumps generally does not impact fertility to the same extent as in males. However, in rare cases where severe complications arise, the infection may cause ovarian inflammation, leading to abdominal pain and fever.

         The best way to prevent mumps is through vaccination, which significantly reduces the risk.

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