A regular health checkup is something many people do annually. However, a routine checkup is different from the specific tests required to prepare for IVF/ICSI. Let’s explore the differences and what tests are needed:
Ultrasound Examination
Many people are familiar with using ultrasound for internal checkups or monitoring pregnancy. However, an ultrasound before starting the IVF/ICSI process is used to detect abnormalities in the ovaries and uterus, such as ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids. These need to be checked for size and position, as some cases may require treatment before beginning IVF/ICSI. -
Hormonal Testing
- Estradiol: This female hormone is tested on the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle.
- FSH (Follicular Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone): These are tested to assess the potential for egg stimulation and calculate the appropriate medication dosage.
- Prolactin: High levels of this hormone can interfere with egg stimulation, so it must be checked beforehand.
- Thyroid Hormone: This hormone controls cellular metabolism. Abnormal thyroid hormone levels can affect the egg stimulation process.
- Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH): This is tested to evaluate the quantity of eggs released each month. If AMH levels are sufficiently high (but not too high), it indicates a good number of quality eggs.
Infectious Disease Testing
Screening for HIV, syphilis (VDRL), and hepatitis B (HBsAg) is essential because infections can impact sperm count, motility, and quality, potentially lowering embryo quality.
Frequent infections over time can lead to blockages in the sperm ducts, resulting in the absence of sperm in the ejaculate. This directly affects the ability to collect sperm for use in IVF. In such cases, sperm cannot be collected by traditional methods, and alternative procedures like sperm aspiration or testicular surgery may be required to retrieve the sperm.

iBaby Fertility & Genetic Center
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